EntityDb Documentation

VersionZeroReservedException Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Exceptions Assembly: EntityDb.Common The exception that is thrown when an actor passes an ITransaction to PutTransaction(ITransaction, CancellationToken) with...

SnapshotPointerDoesNotExistException Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Exceptions Assembly: EntityDb.Common The exception that is thrown when an actor requests a snapshot that does not exist. public sealed class SnapshotPointerD...

SerializeException Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Exceptions Assembly: EntityDb.Common The exception that is thrown when an object envelope cannot be serialized. Possible objects include: agentSignatures, com...

OptimisticConcurrencyException Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Exceptions Assembly: EntityDb.Common The exception that is logged when an actor passes a ITransaction to an ITransactionRepository with a PreviousEntityVersio...

NoAgentException Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Exceptions Assembly: EntityDb.Common The exception that is thrown when the IAgentAccessor cannot return an instance of IAgent. public class NoAgentException ...

EntityAlreadyKnownException Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Exceptions Assembly: EntityDb.Common The exception that is thrown when an actor passes an entity id to Load(Id, TEntity) with an entity id that has already be...

DeserializeException Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Exceptions Assembly: EntityDb.Common The exception that is thrown when an object envelope cannot be deserialized. Possible objects include: agentSignatures, c...

CannotWriteInReadOnlyModeException Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Exceptions Assembly: EntityDb.Common The exception that is thrown when an actor passes a ITransaction to an ITransactionRepository that was created for read-o...

CannotResolveTypeException Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Exceptions Assembly: EntityDb.Common The exception that is thrown when a ITypeResolver cannot resolve a type. public sealed class CannotResolveTypeException ...

EntityDb.Common.Envelopes Namespace

Missing Summary Doc! Structs Envelope<TEnvelopeValue> Represents an envelope, which can be serialized for transfer. EnvelopeHeaders Represents information that can be used to resolve a Type b...