EntityDb Documentation

IAgentSignatureAugmenter Interface

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Abstractions.Agents Assembly: EntityDb.Abstractions Represents a type that can augment an agent signature by providing additional, application-specific information. ...

IAgentAccessor Interface

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Abstractions.Agents Assembly: EntityDb.Abstractions Represents a type that can access an instance of IAgent. public interface IAgentAccessor Methods GetAgentAsync(...

IAgent Interface

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Abstractions.Agents Assembly: EntityDb.Abstractions Represents an actor who can interact with transactions. public interface IAgent Properties TimeStamp Gets the c...

UnknownAgentSignature Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Agents Assembly: EntityDb.Common Represents the signature of an unknown actor. public class UnknownAgentSignature : System.IEquatable<UnknownAgentSignatur...

UnknownAgentAccessor Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Agents Assembly: EntityDb.Common Represents a type that indicates there is no known actor. public class UnknownAgentAccessor : EntityDb.Abstractions.Agents.I...

AgentAccessorChainOptions Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Agents Assembly: EntityDb.Common Options for configuring the AgentAccessorChain. public sealed class AgentAccessorChainOptions Inheritance: Object Propertie...

AgentAccessorChain Class

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Agents Assembly: EntityDb.Common Represents a type that chains together multiple instances of IAgentAccessor and returns the IAgent returned by the first IAge...