EntityDb Documentation

EntityDb.Abstractions Assembly

Installation dotnet add package EntityDb.Abstractions Namespaces EntityDb.Abstractions.Agents Encapsulates data about actors (the person or system that can execute commands). EntityDb.Abstractions...

VersionNumber Struct

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Abstractions.ValueObjects Assembly: EntityDb.Abstractions Represents a particular version for an object. public readonly struct VersionNumber : System.IEquatable&lt...

TimeStamp Struct

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Abstractions.ValueObjects Assembly: EntityDb.Abstractions Represents a relevant moment in time. public readonly struct TimeStamp : System.IEquatable<TimeStamp&gt...

Pointer Struct

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Abstractions.ValueObjects Assembly: EntityDb.Abstractions Points to an object (e.g., entity, projection) public readonly struct Pointer : System.IEquatable<Point...

Id Struct

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Abstractions.ValueObjects Assembly: EntityDb.Abstractions Represents a unique identifier for an object. public readonly struct Id : System.IEquatable<Id> Inh...

IEntity<TEntity> Interface

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Entities Assembly: EntityDb.Common Indicates the entity is compatible with several EntityDb.Common implementations. public interface IEntity&lt;TEntity&gt; :...

IDeleteTagsCommand<TEntity> Interface

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Commands Assembly: EntityDb.Common If a transaction needs to delete any instances of ITag, and the properties of the tags are contained in the command and/or ...

IDeleteLeasesCommand<TEntity> Interface

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Commands Assembly: EntityDb.Common If a transaction needs to delete any instances of ILease, and the properties of the leases are contained in the command and...

IAddTagsCommand<TEntity> Interface

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Commands Assembly: EntityDb.Common If a transaction needs to add any instances of ITag, and the properties of the tags are contained in the command and/or ent...

IAddLeasesCommand<TEntity> Interface

Definition Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Commands Assembly: EntityDb.Common If a transaction needs to add any instances of ILease, and the properties of the leases are contained in the command and/or...