Home EntityDb.Common.Exceptions Namespace

EntityDb.Common.Exceptions Namespace

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CannotResolveTypeException The exception that is thrown when a ITypeResolver cannot resolve a type.
CannotWriteInReadOnlyModeException The exception that is thrown when an actor passes a ITransaction to an ITransactionRepository that was created for read-only mode.
DeserializeException The exception that is thrown when an object envelope cannot be deserialized. Possible objects include: agentSignatures, commands, facts, and leases.
EntityAlreadyKnownException The exception that is thrown when an actor passes an entity id to Load(Id, TEntity) with an entity id that has already been loaded.
NoAgentException The exception that is thrown when the IAgentAccessor cannot return an instance of IAgent.
OptimisticConcurrencyException The exception that is logged when an actor passes a ITransaction to an ITransactionRepository with a PreviousEntityVersionNumber that is not the actual previous version number.
SerializeException The exception that is thrown when an object envelope cannot be serialized. Possible objects include: agentSignatures, commands, leases, and tags.
SnapshotPointerDoesNotExistException The exception that is thrown when an actor requests a snapshot that does not exist.
VersionZeroReservedException The exception that is thrown when an actor passes an ITransaction to PutTransaction(ITransaction, CancellationToken) with on a ITransactionStep that implements IAppendCommandTransactionStep and the value of EntityVersionNumber is equal to 0.
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