Home ITransactionRepository Interface

ITransactionRepository Interface


Namespace: EntityDb.Abstractions.Transactions
Assembly: EntityDb.Abstractions

Represents an explicit set of objects which represent a complete history of a set of entities.

public interface ITransactionRepository : EntityDb.Abstractions.Disposables.IDisposableResource, System.IDisposable, System.IAsyncDisposable


EnumerateTransactionIds(IAgentSignatureQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the transaction ids which are found by a agentSignature query.
EnumerateTransactionIds(ICommandQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the transaction ids which are found by a command query.
EnumerateTransactionIds(ILeaseQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the transaction ids which are found by a lease query.
EnumerateTransactionIds(ITagQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the transaction ids which are found by a tag query.
EnumerateEntityIds(IAgentSignatureQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the entity ids which are found by a agentSignature query.
EnumerateEntityIds(ICommandQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the entity ids which are found by a command query.
EnumerateEntityIds(ILeaseQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the entity ids which are found by a lease query.
EnumerateEntityIds(ITagQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the entity ids which are found by a tag query.
EnumerateAgentSignatures(IAgentSignatureQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the agentSignatures which are found by a agentSignature query.
EnumerateCommands(ICommandQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the commands which are found by a command query.
EnumerateLeases(ILeaseQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the leases which are found by a lease query.
EnumerateTags(ITagQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the tags which are found by a tag query.
EnumerateAnnotatedAgentSignatures(IAgentSignatureQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the annotated agent signatures which are found by an agent signature query.
EnumerateAnnotatedCommands(ICommandQuery, CancellationToken) Returns the annotated commands which are found by a command query.
PutTransaction(ITransaction, CancellationToken) Inserts a single transaction with an atomic commit.
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