Home ITransactionBuilder<TEntity> Interface

ITransactionBuilder<TEntity> Interface


Namespace: EntityDb.Abstractions.Transactions.Builders
Assembly: EntityDb.Abstractions

Provides a way to construct an ITransaction. Note that no operations are permanent until you call Build(Id) and pass the result to a transaction repository.

public interface ITransactionBuilder<TEntity>

Type Parameters

The type of the entity in the transaction.


GetEntity(Id) Returns a TEntity associated with a given entity id, if it is known.
IsEntityKnown(Id) Indicates whether or not a TEntity associated with a given entity id is in memory.
Load(Id, TEntity) Associate a TEntity with a given entity id.
Append(Id, Object) Adds a transaction step that appends a single command associated with a given entity id.
Add(Id, ILease[]) Adds a transaction step that adds a set of ILeases associated with a given entity id.
Add(Id, ITag[]) Adds a transaction step that adds a set of ITags associated with a given entity id.
Delete(Id, ILease[]) Adds a transaction step that deletes a set of ILeases associated with a given entity id.
Delete(Id, ITag[]) Adds a transaction step that deletes a set of ITags associated with a given entity id.
Build(Id) Returns a new instance of ITransaction.
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