Home ITagFilterBuilder<TFilter> Interface

ITagFilterBuilder<TFilter> Interface


Namespace: EntityDb.Abstractions.Queries.FilterBuilders
Assembly: EntityDb.Abstractions

Builds a TFilter for a tag query.

public interface ITagFilterBuilder<TFilter> : EntityDb.Abstractions.Queries.FilterBuilders.IFilterBuilder<TFilter>

Type Parameters

The type of filter used by the repository.


EntityIdIn(Id[]) Returns a TFilter that only includes tags with an entity id which is contained in a set of entity ids.
EntityVersionNumberGte(VersionNumber) Returns a TFilter that only includes tags with an entity version number greater than or equal to an entity version number.
EntityVersionNumberLte(VersionNumber) Returns a TFilter that only includes tags with an entity version number less than or equal to an entity version number.
TagTypeIn(Type[]) Returns a TFilter that only includes tags whose type is contained in a set of tag types.
TagLabelEq(String) Returns a TFilter that only includes tags whose Label is a particular value.
TagValueEq(String) Returns a TFilter that only includes tags whose Value is a particular value.
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