Home ServiceCollectionExtensions Class

ServiceCollectionExtensions Class


Namespace: EntityDb.Common.Extensions
Assembly: EntityDb.Common

Extensions for service collections.

public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions

Inheritance: Object


AddTransactionProcessorSubscriber(IServiceCollection, Boolean, Func<IServiceProvider,TTransactionProcessor>) Registers the transaction processor provided, along with a transaction processor subscriber, and a transaction processor queue. For test mode, the queue is not actually a queue and will immediately process the transaction. For non-test mode, the queue uses a BufferBlock</a>. </td></tr>
AddDefaultPartialTypeResolver(IServiceCollection) Adds an internal implementation of IPartialTypeResolver which resolves types by using assembly information.
AddMemberInfoNamePartialTypeResolver(IServiceCollection, Type[]) Adds an internal implementation of IPartialTypeResolver which resolves the given types based on their Name.
AddLifoTypeResolver(IServiceCollection) Adds an internal implementation of ITypeResolver to a service collection.
AddAgentAccessor(IServiceCollection) Adds a custom implementation of IAgentAccessor to a service collection.
AddEntity(IServiceCollection) Adds a transient ITransactionBuilder<TEntity> and a transient implementation of IEntityRepositoryFactory<TEntity> to a service collection.
AddEntitySnapshotTransactionSubscriber(IServiceCollection, String, String, Boolean) Adds a transaction subscriber that records snapshots of entities.
AddProjection(IServiceCollection) Adds projections for TProjection.
AddProjectionSnapshotTransactionSubscriber(IServiceCollection, String, String, Boolean) Adds a transaction subscriber that records snapshots of projections. </table>
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